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What makes Birkman different?

There are hundreds of individual and organisational assessments in the global market: so why do we insist on delivering outcomes to our clients with just one of them?


The Birkman Method (TBM) is an individual assessment of perception and motivation, which is objective, accurate and non-judgemental, and which is highly predictive of behaviour in a given context, and performance in a specific role. Individual TBM data can be aggregated to produce organisational insights for teams, functions, markets - and any other size groups.

So what makes Birkman different?


  • It is fast - Birkman produces individual profiles in under an hour. Result - asking us to come in doesn’t mean you will be putting up with hordes of consultants asking questions for months on end.

  • It is stable - you can use individual results for 10-20 years with confidence. Result - we won’t be coming back every 18 months telling you it is time to pay to re-test; instead your investment, once for each individual, becomes an evermore valuable resource over time.  

  • It is incisive - you can pierce the presentation layer that everyone brings to the interview room. Result - whether you are interviewing new outside hires, or promoting from within, you get to choose questions that really get to the heart of the matter: is this person the one we need, now?

  • It is positive - Birkman reports and data are non-judgemental and affirming. Result - by the time one or two people have completed the process, others will be queuing up to complete it too; people feel fully understood, sometimes for the first time. 

  • It is granular - each individual Questionnaire produces 300+ scales scored for that person. Result - no matter how specific the issue is that you are trying to address, you will find answers in this data; apparent contradictions and internal tensions in an individual employee will start making sense. 

  • It is personal - completing Birkman is often life-changing for individuals, regardless of how much value it contributes to the Organisation. Result - your employees will be fully invested in the process, and keen to stay engaged. 

  • It is accurate - Birkman data allows you to accurately predict future performance in a specific role. Result - you will stop losing people unnecessarily by promoting or moving them into roles where they will flounder and fail.

  • It is available - Birkman can be accessed online in 20+ languages, 24x7. Result - when you need us (and your team) to turn on a dime, we’re completing the turn before you’ve finished asking. 

  • It is calibrated - Birkman allows you to compare people with confidence, because any given score on a particular dimension will always means the same thing, regardless of who it is. Result - as a client (CHRO of a global plastics player) put it to her team one time, “I love Birkman: if I have 10 people at the table from Tokyo and Jo’Burg and Dusseldorf and Houston and Paris, and I can see their Birkman data, I know how they are going to communicate and contribute and respond, regardless of all the cultural complexities in the room.” 

  • It is empirical - Dr Birkman did his work by observation and analysis of behaviours, in order to construct his framework, so what we do is data-driven, not theory-based. Result - you are not going to suddenly find you have wrecked your organisation because of the shortcomings of a theoretical model. And yes, that happens. We deal with how people really are.

  • It is synoptic - straight out of the box, Birkman allows you to aggregate data and view groups of two to several hundred in one glance; at Kokkoi we have extended this capability using Tableau to visualise Birkman data. Result - map a team on every dimension, create a map of the whole organisation just focussing in on factors impacting customer service - the possibilities are endless.

  • It is social - the ability of Birkman to view the individual in one or many contexts means much great nuance in understanding the potential each person brings to the table. Result - for one thing, you will have these kinds of conversation “in this context, Jane is going to look like the ideas person, but if we move her here, we can tap her native orientation towards managing project execution.” But you will also see people learning most about themselves in group learning settings, because “what this person says about their perspective helps me realise how alien that perspective really is to me - which I never realised.”


To find out more, check out this article on how to evaluate a psychometric assessment.

Let's discuss the challenges we can address in your organisation.

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